Carte Mazio, 1803-1828.


Carte Mazio, 1803-1828.

The introduction to Indice 1137 by Lajos Pasztor is very good for scope and contents information. Pasztor also wrote an article on the collection that expands on his work in Indice 1137. This makes the article a better source for information on the contents of the series. The article is cited among the finding aids above. Carte Mazio 55 (Misc. 2,10) was formerly identified as Secretariatus Epistolae ad Principes et Optimates series Epistolae ad principes 231 and Secretariatus Status series Epoca napoleonica: Francia 21/31, respectively. Carte Mazio 34 (Francia 2,7,5,6) was formerly identified as Epoca napoleonica: Francia 1/8, 17/19, 18/12, 18/17, respectively. Carte Mazio 55 (Misc. 1,4) was formerly identified as Secretariatus Status series Epoca napoleonica: Italia 1/6 and 18, respectively.

2 linear m. (58 buste).





SNAC Resource ID: 6837480

Bentley Historical Library

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